161: The Hidden depths of older people, with Laura Page

Watch my conversation with Laura on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below


Laura Page is an artist, photographer, photojournalist and socially engaged practitioner. That means she uses art and photography as a way to help people to express themselves, have their own voice and share their views within their community.

Liverpudlian Laura’s focus is on society and politics, aiming to produce work that leads to positive social change. She has a particular interest in the older age group and has recently completed an important project called ‘Hidden Depths’, funded by winning the Rebecca Vassie Memorial Award.

Hidden Depths involved Laura photographing and gathering the stories of 31 over-80-year-olds, to show the rich lives many older people live. She wanted to challenge the ageist stereotypes we see too often. Laura saw first-hand how these 80 and 90 year olds were living a third or fourth new lease of life.

Hidden Depths led to further film projects and Laura’s beautiful, inspiring photos being used in projects such as the Stop Ageing campaign.

Useful links

Laura’s website

Hidden Depths project photos

Laura on Twitter

Lauara on Instagram

Laura on Facebook

Justin’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JustinKingMFP

Get in touch if you’d like a second opinion on your retirement planning

Email at hello@retirementcafe.co.uk

Watch the episode on YouTube here.


162: How the menopause affects the brain, with Dr Ben Webb


160: Series 8 Ep 9: The 9 Accelerators of Successful Retirement Planning - Staying on Track