111: Reasons to be grateful in a challenging year

Watch my reflection on YouTube or listen on the podcast player below


 This year has brought with it hardship and constant struggle. We have introduced a new lexicon into our everyday vocabulary with words such as COVID, social distancing and furlough being part of our daily conversations.

But Christmas is a time for celebration and joy, so it seems right to take time and reflect on what a year it’s been.

In this week’s episode, I want to share with you a few personal things I am grateful for as well as a few global good news stories that you might have missed in the chaos that COVID wrapped around us.

I chat about what I got up to in lockdown and share some of the positive stories out there that were missed by the mass media.

I hope you have a great Christmas, and encourage you all to take 5 minutes to think about what you are grateful for this year.


112: Positive takes on a new year


110: Series 8, Es 1 : The 9 Accelerators of Successful Retirement Planning – Life Priorities